May 23, 2019
Rest Day
Negative Handstand Push-ups (5 x 4)
Negatives 5 sets of 4
Try and do them on the wall in the Rx standard position. If unable to control the decent on the wall, modify to pike/knee position on box, just make sure to lower as controled as possible into the tripod position.
Sixteen Candles (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
16 Alternating Dumbbell Row
16 Front Rack Lunges
Rx (40/25)
Rx+ (50/35)
Dumbbell Row in Plank Position on Floor, modify to bench or box. Keep core tight and hips down. Thumb to Ribs on each rep.
OppoTabata Assault Bike (Calories)
8 Rounds
10 Sec Work
20 Sec Rest
Use the 10/20 setting on the bike
Brad 5.0 (Time)
Partner WOD (Teams of 2)
50 burpees
.50 mile run
50 KB swing (53/35)
.50 mile run
50 wall balls (20/14)
.50 mile run
50 calorie row
.5 mile run
50 calorie bike
Divide the reps (even the run) with your partner. Finish a movement before moving to the next movement.
Tall Snatch
Starting at the top position, aggressively pull upwards on the bar while, at the same time, pull yourself down underneath the bar into an overhead squat position. There is NO DIP OR HINGE at the hip. This is from a dead hang.
3 Position Snatch
High hang/hang/floor
Good Mornings (3×5)
Should not be max effort. Use moderate weight.