March 6, 2015
Happy Birthday Amanda K, Ian R, Dakoda T, and Hannah W!
CrossFit and CrossFit 101 Open Participants:
RX WOD: AMREP in 3 Minutes
“CrossFit Games Open 15.2”
2 Rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*If the 2 rounds are completed in the 3 minutes, perform an additional 2 rounds in the next 3 minutes, but increase the reps to 12. Continue until you cannot complete the reps.
Scaled WOD: AMREP in 3 Minutes
2 Rounds of:
6 Overhead Squats (65/45)
6 Pull Ups
*If the 2 rounds are completed in the 3 minutes, perform an additional 2 rounds in the next 3 minutes, but increase the reps to 8. Continue until you cannot complete the reps.
CrossFit 101
Pre: 15 Minutes of Skill Work
WOD: 100 Burpees for Time
Same as CrossFit