January 28, 2017
Metcon (Time)
7 rounds:
12 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs
9 Toes To Bars
Run (medicine ball), 20/14 lbs, 200 m
Tabata Bottom to Bottom Air Squats (AMRAP – Reps)
8 Sets of 20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds Rest
Metcon (Weight)
50ft Yoke walk AHAP
Metcon (Weight)
50ft Farmers/Frame walk AHAP. log total weight of both hands.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
60 second AMRAP
Stone over bar. You choose load.
Skill: Ring Muscle Ups
*We will break down the muscle up into its various parts, this will include work on first pull, turnover, and ring dips. If you already have muscle ups, we will work on efficiency, if you are not even close, we will work on strength.
Finisher: 10 minutes
Ring muscle ups (or variation)
Double Unders