February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Melody C, Somer G, Justin S, and Brandon V!

WOD: Attempt PRs with as much warm-up and rest between efforts as need of:

  • 1RM Overhead Squat
  • 1000m Row
  • Ring Dips

Crossfit 101
Skill: Kipping and Pull Ups

WOD: For Time
“Incendia Baseline”
Row 500m
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups


  • 1) 12 min to work to a max 3-Position Snatch (1. Hi-Hang – shoulders even with or slightly behind bar, bar in contact with pelvis. 2. Hang – just above knee. Low-Hang – 2″ from the floor. ).
  • 2) EMOM for 5:00 – 1 3-Position Snatch @ 85% of max from #1.

WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 6″ Target Burpees
10 C2B Pullups
20 Wall Balls
10 6″ Target Burpees
10 C2B Pullups
30 Wall Balls
10 6″ Target Burpees
10 C2B Pullups
40 Wall Balls…
*Add 10 Wall Balls after every completed round.