December 21, 2017
Rest Day!
Conditioning: AMRAP x 28:00
Runny Toes
Every 4:00 for 28:00
Run 400m
10 Toes to Bar
Conditioning: For Time
12 Sumo dead high pulls
11 Overhead squats
10 Hang power snatches
9 Push jerks
8 Hang power cleans
7 Thrusters
6 Push press
5 Back squats
4 Shoulder press
3 Front squats
2 Squat cleans
1 Deadlift
*Rx 95/65 Rx+135/95
*Start with 1 deadlift, then do 2 squat cleans and 1 deadlift, then do 3 front squats, 2 squat cleans and 1 deadlift, then do 4 shoulder press, 3 front squats, 2 squat cleans and 1 deadlift. Continue with this pattern for all 12 Strong days of Christmas. Just like the song.
Conditioning: For Time
100 x DB Bench Press @ 0.5 BW or AHAP x Per hand
*Every Drop – 100ft DB Farmers Carry, Post load in comments.
Conditioning: For Time
15k Sandwich
Teams of two complete:
5k Assault Bike
5k Row
5k Assault Bike
Work can be split up however you like. Same sex teams must share the same bike and rower. Co-ed teams can use different bikes or rowers due to height differences but you must stay off your bike/rower while your partner is working. High five or chest bump each time you switch out.
12 Things because Christmas…
*each exercise is 1 min with a 30 sec transition to the next
*2 Rounds
1 & 2 Double KB SLDL to Reverse Lunge
3 & 4 Bottoms Up KB Press x 8 reps per arm
5 Alternating Bent Over Row
6 Wall Sit with Front Raise to wall
7 Face Pulls
8 Close Grip Chest Press to tricep extension
9 Reverse Flys, light DB
10 Kneel Stand Kneel
11 Floor chest flys
12 Forearm plank, knee to elbow
Snatch (MAX)
Clean and Jerk (MAX)