August 7, 2015

Strength/Skill: Weighted Pull Up 5-5-5

WOD: For Time
“The Sandwich”
80 Calorie Row
40 Shoulder to Overheads (155/105)
80 Deadlifts (155/105)

CrossFit 101
Strength/Skill: Got Pull Ups Day 6
1) Bent Over Barbell Row  4 x 9 (Increasing Load)
2) Supine (Chin Up Grip) Inverted Row 3 x Max Reps
3) Banded Pull Aparts 1 x 50 (blue/red)

WOD: 7 Rounds for time
10 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14)
10 Burpees
*RX+ 30/20

Teen Weightlifting
1) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 8-8-8-8
*Superset with ring dips

2) Deadlift 3 RM