April 10, 2017
Strength: Back Squat 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%
*Wendler Week 1:
Above percentages should be based off 90% of your 1 rep max*. Last set is for max reps (post number of reps completed in notes.)
* If your 1 rep max is 200#, your weights are based off 180# (117,135, 155#)
Finisher #2: 3 Rounds for Time
1 Rope Climb
10 Box Jumps 30/24
15 KB Swings 70/53
*RX+ is legless rope climbs
Conditioning: AMRAP x 14:00
“Monday EMOM”
7 Dumbbell Thrusters AND 10 Sit Ups
*Suggested 35/20 on the dumbbells. Choose load that allows you to go unbroken and complete all the work in a minute with about 20-30 seconds rest.
*This is NOT an alternating EMOM. All work is performed in SAME minute 🙂
*Log completed rounds of 14.
Push Press + Pause Jerk (5 + 1 x 3 Sets)
Build up to 6RM, then 6 @ 95%, 6 @# 90%
Back Squat (5-5-5)
5RM, then 5 @ 95%, 5 @ 90%
Back Rack Lunge (5-5-5)
5 Reps/Leg
Jumping Back Squat (3×5 @ 20%)