February 28, 2016

Happy Birthday Vanessa K, Jocelyn P, Victoria L and Koi B!

WOD: AMRAP x 20:00
“CrossFit Games Open 16.1”
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge 95#/65#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge
8 C2B Pull-Ups

CrossFit 101
WOD: AMRAP x 20:00
“CrossFit Games Open 16.1”
25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#
8 Jumping Pull-ups


*Last chance for a score on 16.1! Come at 10am to get into the next available heat!