By Lisa
Looking for a Realtor? Do you need insurance? What about new flooring in your home? Auto dent repair? Travel agent service? A new website? When looking for a service or recommendation, is your first step to post in Incendia Gym Talk for a referral? This seems to be how we do things and we thought that maybe we should formalize the networking process so that everyone can benefit from the relationships you share with each other.
Incendians doing business together. It just makes sense, doesn’t it? You WOD together, you band together to raise funds for those in need and you share a common bond in Incendia. Why shouldn’t we move to the next step and make our business and networking a priority?
The first Incendia Business Connection (InBC) was a great success in October. Our next InBC will meet for lunch at The Place (5171 W. Bell Rd) at 1pm on November 5th and on the first Wednesday of every month. The Place is Incendian-owned and the perfect venue to get some business on. The Incendia Business Connection (InBC) is a networking organization designed and created so that fellow Incendians can come together to enjoy lunch and learn about each other’s professions.
Tomorrow, we have a special guest speaker. The very talented Susie Gasparovic, a coach/mentor/consultant, will be talking to us about business and how to transform your life through positive thinking. Susie loves, and gets, results! At least that’s what those who have attended one of her workshops, lectures or one on one coaching sessions on interpersonal and leadership development would say. In fact, her story was just featured in the New York Times best selling book, “You are the Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Susie grew up in Australia but moved to the USA in 2005. She received a Finance degree and in 2011 obtained an MBA with a core focus on Business and Leadership Management. Susie G Consulting is a coaching, mentoring & consulting organization specializing in facilitating one on one partnering programs, group & individual workshops on developing a solid foundation for successful personal and organizational communication and growth.
Come to the meeting armed with business cards and be ready to introduce your business. We’ll keep it informal, yet friendly and effective with an open format. All Incendian-owned businesses are welcome (this includes businesses owned by spouses).
Get ready to grow your business surrounded by friends. It only makes sense.