By Lisa
Last night CrossFit Incendia (aka Club Incendia) filmed our version of the Harlem Shake. In case you are living under a rock and haven’t heard of the Harlem Shake, this Internet meme has gone viral this month on You Tube. The Harlem Shake videos feature an excerpt from the song “Harlem Shake” by Baauer and begin with one person (often helmeted or masked) dancing to the song alone for about 15 seconds, surrounded by other people not paying attention or unaware of the dancing individual. When the bass drops, the video cuts to the entire crowd doing a crazy convulsive dance for the next 15 seconds while in costume.
Club Incendia did two versions of the Harlem Shake, one for the kids and one for the grown ups. The kids were so cute! They wore costumes ranging from bananas to Hulk Hogan to Pebbles to a monkey. They had a blast and we had so much fun filming with them. I love when we can bring our families to be a part of something so much fun.
Then the grownups did their version of the Harlem Shake. Some of the characters shaking it included a cow, an astronaut, the state fair lady, Thing 1 & Thing 2, Spider Girl, a lady bug, a mullet-ed kilt-wearing dude, a Carnival Cruise ship, and much, much more. A family van and a disco ball may or may not have made an appearance.
One of the costumes that received the most attention was of the man dressed up like a Lulu-wearing girl. Yup, it was Brian and he was wearing my shorts. I must admit (begrudgingly) that I think he might look better in my shorts than I do. Look for the tall blond in the video wearing purple shorts as s(he) does a backwards worm and washes the van. I would die of embarrassment if it wasn’t so funny. It’s a good thing we can laugh at ourselves, right? (And by “ourselves,” I mean Brian).
I thought I would share Brian’s costume inspiration with you because it is so darn funny. About a year ago, NorCal CrossFit uploaded a video to You Tube called, “Sh*t CrossFit Girls Say.” If you haven’t seen this video, watch it! Seriously, I could watch it five times a day and it still wouldn’t be enough. Our family says lines out of this video like some people quote the Seinfeld show. It is not unusual for our six year old to say, “Is that Jason Khalipa?” or “What? It’s my cheat meal” or “Is this a legume? What’s a legume?” I wish we would have ended this video with Brian doing the “Is that Jason Khalipa” line, but we didn’t think about it until today. Oh well. Make sure you watch the video. Trust me, it’s that good! As a girl CrossFitter, I may do just about everything shown in the video. You probably do, too. That is why it is so funny.
I’ve got to send a special thanks out to Trent Broberg for organizing, planning, filming, and editing both versions of Club Incendia’s “Harlem Shake.” For all of our awesome Incendia members that came to the gym late on a Thursday night to take part in this, you are amazing. The filming was so much fun and I love that your personalities are reflected throughout the segment. CrossFit is such a special thing. Without it, we probably wouldn’t know each other. Our kids wouldn’t play together. Our circle of friends would be much smaller. Call it a cult. Call it a fad. Call it what you want, but I call it my life….and I love it.