December 3, 2013
Happy Birthday Joanne G and Jeff N!
WOD: Bear Complex for Time
12 Rounds Every Minute on the Minute
2 x Bear Complex (135/73)
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- PushPress
- Back Squat
- Push Press
Then, 20 Back Squats (135/73). Time stops after back squats.
Strength: 1 Hang Clean + 2 Jerks 6×1 at 90% 1RM
WOD: For Reps
5 Rounds, 20 Seconds per Station
Thruster (95/65)
Pull Up
Rest 40 seconds
CrossFit Prep
Lifts Learned: Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Deadlift