November 30, 2013
Happy Birthday Marshall D!
It’s Saturday and we’re back with our regular, fully-loaded schedule. We’ve got three coaches doing advanced certs this weekend so you’ll see other coaches subbing in, but the schedule is back to normal. Coaches Lisa and Amanda will be getting their CrossFit Kids Certification and Somone is working on the Coach’s Prep Certification. Advanced education makes us better coaches and we thank you for your patience while we are away!
Bring a friend to the CrossFit 101/FREE Class at 9am and see what this CrossFit thing is all about. Its a great day to kick start holiday fitness!
Here’s what’s on tap:
- 7am – CrossFit with Coach Luke
- 8am – CrossFit Prep with Coach Luke
- 8am – CrossFit Teens with Coach Adriane
- 9am – CrossFit 101 with Coaches Luke and Andy
- 10am – CrossFit with Coach Luke