June 26, 2013
Happy Birthday CJ B!
WOD: 4x1000m Rows
CrossFit 101
WOD: For time
400m Run
3 Rounds of:
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Pull Ups
400m Run
Strength #1
1) Back Squat 7×5 @ 75%
2) 12 Minutes to find Max Snatch, then EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 Snatch @ 90% of max
3) 12 Minutes to find Max Clean & jerk, then EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 C&J @ 85% of max
Strength #2
1) 4×5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups (heaviest possible)
2) 4×8 Strict Tempo GH Raise (fast up, 5 seconds on way down)
3) 4×10 Reverse Hyper (heaviest possible)