July 5, 2019
Back Squat (70%X8, 80%X5, 90%X3, 97%X1, 92%X3, 82%X5, 72%X8+)
These are tried and true percentages. You are not meant to miss. Stay true to your actual max so your muscles can grow.
Jump Walk Throw (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Minute AMRAP:
25 Box Jumps
25′ HS Walk
25 Wall Balls
Sub HS Walks for one trip around your box. Feet in center of box, side walk in a circle. Switch direction each round.
Metcon (Time)
Kettle Cooked Chipper
20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts
30 Goblet squats (26/35)
40 Kettlebell Swings (26/35)
50 Calories on the rower
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Goblet Swings
20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts