December 1, 2018

Show & Go (7 Rounds for reps)
EMOM X 21:
5 Strict Chin-Ups
15/9 Calorie Row
14 Overhand Deadlifts
*Scale chin-ups with supinated ring rows.
TABATA (No Measure)
Every Other:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks
*Form before reps!

Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
For Time
400m Run with wall ball (together)
50 Wall Ball Shots
1000m Row
20 Partner Wall Ball Sit Ups
400m Run with wall ball (together)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
“EVIL EMOM” CrossFit 1727 Benchmark WOD

EMOM in 14 minutes
Odd: 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb)
Even: 20 Kettlebell Swings (54/35 lb)

RX+ Keep going until you cannot complete a round in a minute. Post total rounds completed.
Metcon (Time)
100 push ups
25 air squats
3 stone/sandbag to shoulder
75 push ups
50 air squats
6 stone/sandbag to shoulder
50 push ups
75 air squats
9 stone/sandbag to shoulder
25 push ups
100 air squats
12 stone/sandbag to shoulder

*stone/sandbag weight optional. Post loads in comments.
“Martin Bell” Scottish Hero WOD (Time)
2000 meter Row
100 Deadlifts (bodyweight)
50 Thrusters (43/30 kg)
1000 meter Row
100 Overhead-Touch Push-Ups
50 Pull-Ups
500 meter Row
100 AbMat Sit-Ups
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

This Scottish Hero WOD was designed by a member of CrossFit Airdrie (Airdrie Alberta), Scott James Meenagh, who survived battle as a result of Private Martin’s unbelievable bravery.

Private Martin Bell was killed on January 25, 2011, whilst serving with the 2nd battalion, the parachute regiment on operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He was fatally wounded when he stepped on an improvised explosive device while extracting Box no. 1 member Scott Meenagh on a stretcher. “He had already risked his own life to get to Scott and to help him deal with his own catastrophic injuries, and in doing so surely saved his life.”