October 20, 2018
Grace (Time)
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#
1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Metcon (Time)
For Time
Teams of 2
400m Run
KB Swings
Ab Mat Sit Ups
400m Run
KB 53/35
Metcon (Time)
“Puffy Nipples”
4 rounds
20 back squats at body weight (no racks).
400m run
Metcon (Calories)
STRENGTH: Build up to heavy deadlift (15 min max). Post 1RM in notes.
WOD: 20 min max cals ass bike.
Teams of 3 (similar strength).
Partner A static deadlift hold
Partner B static overhead hold (DBs or KBs).
Partner C Max cals ass bike.
*Change personnel every time someone drops.
Deadlift hold at approx. BW
Overhead hold at approx. 1/2 BW
Lumberjack 20 (Time)
20 Deadlifts, 275#
Run 400m
20 Kettlebell swings, 70#
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats, 115#
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups
Run 400m
20 Box Jumps, 24″
Run 400m
20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans, 45#
Run 400m
On Nov. 5 2009, a terrorist attacked fellow soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood, TX. Killing 12 soldiers and one civilian and wounded 43 others.