March 31, 2018
Mainsite – WB/Pull Ups (Time)
Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 20/14
10 Pull-ups
The Angry 100s (Time)
Teams of two complete:
100 Wall Balls
100 KB Swings 53/35
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Assault Bike Calories
*Every 5 minutes run 300m (together).
**Workout begins with the run!
Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time
Strong GPP
25′ Sled Push
50′ Stone/Sandbag front carry
25′ Sled Pull
3 Burpee Tire Flips
*Can be completed as a team of 2, just share the work.
(No stops, Go Fast, Go heavy and push yourself) Score for time, post loads in comments.
Conditioning: 5 Rounds for calories
Strong Conditioning
Teams of 3
3:00 max cals assault bike (rotate personnel every 60 seconds).
3:00 rest.
6:00 max cals assault bike (rotate personnel every 30 seconds).
3:00 rest.
9:00 max cals assault bike (rotate personnel every 20 seconds).
3:00 rest.
6:00 max cals assault bike (rotate personnel every 30 seconds).
3:00 rest.
3:00 max cals assault bike (rotate personnel every 60 seconds).
*10 KB Swings during every rest period. 70/53, (cause you are a wolfpack badass)
*RX+ (2 person team)
*Post team name and cals per round in wodify.
OPP Finisher, barbell hip thrusters
5 X 10
Log heaviest set.
“Santora” (3 Rounds for reps)
1 minute Squat Cleans (155/105 lb)
1 minute Shuttle Sprints (20 ft forward, 20 ft backwards)
1 minute Deadlifts (245/165 lb)
1 minute Burpees
1 minute Jerks (155/105 lb)
1 minute Rest
*For the shuttle sprints, count 20 ft forward and 20 ft backwards as one repetition.
*US Army Sergeant Jason A. Santora, of Farmingville, NY, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based out of Fort Benning, GA died in Logar province, Afghanistan on April 23, 2010, from wounds sustained during a firefight with insurgents. He is survived by his parents Gary and Theresa, and sister Gina.