March 10, 2018
Conditioning: For Time
Team Series #3
Team of 4 (2M/2F)
80-60-40 reps for time of of:
Hand-release push-ups, with static deadlift hold
270-lb. partner deadlifts*
*The 45-lb. barbell must be loaded with 90 lb. on one side and 135 lb. on the other side.
*1 Male and 1 Female hold the deadlift bar while the other members work on the push ups (one athlete works at a time)
Conditioning: For Time
I’ll Never Let Go, Jack
10 reps Strict Press
15 reps Overhead Squat
20 reps Push Press
25 reps Front squat
30 reps Push Jerk
35 reps Back Squat
*All performed at 115/85
*Keep track of everytime bar is dropped. After completing back squats, perform 5 reps of: Burpee for everytime bar is dropped.
*If doing as a team add one round.
*Bar can not drop on transition from one athlete to the other
Conditioning: AMRAP x 25:00
Teams of 2
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20
40 Burpees
500m Row
60 Wall Balls 20/14
*Split reps – One partner works at a time
Back Box Squat w/Band Tension
5X5, Log heaviest weight and band(s)
* Then finish with 3X5 weighted Good Mornings.
Conditioning: AMRAP x 7:00
Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
5 Deadlifts (225/155) at the top of each minute.
Conditioning: For Time
7,425 meter Row
9 Handstand Push-Ups
17 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
19 Pull-Ups
90 Sit-Ups
145 Jumping Jacks
New Jersey State Trooper Anthony Raspa, 24, of Highland Park, New Jersey, was driving his patrol vehicle when he struck a deer, causing him to veer off the road. Raspa was pronounced dead at the hospital on May 30, 2015. “We had him for a short time, a year and a half. He graduated from the academy in October 2013 and now we’re burying him, someone who had really the promise of a tremendous career.”