February 10, 2018
Conditioning: AMRAP x 18:00
18 Calorie Bike
15 Wallballs 20/14
12 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
9 Toes to Bar
Conditioning: For Time
Teams of 2
100 Cal Assault Bike
200 Air Squats
100 Burpees
200 Sit Ups
*One partner works at a time
Conditioning: For Time
Shoulder to Overhead
200M Row
Rx 135/95
Rx+ 185/135
Conditioning: For Time
800M Farmers Carry
400M Front Rack Carry
200M Overhead Carry
Rx 53/35 KB
Rx+ 70/53 KB
Conditoning: For Time
100 Squat Clean Thrusters 40/20 kg
The “Oz” British Hero WOD (aka: “Olaf”) is dedicated to Ssgt Olaf (Oz) Sean George Scmidt, 11 EORD, who died in an explosion in Afghanistan on the afternoon of 2009/10/31, at the age of 31.