January 25, 2018
Rest Day!
Conditioning: For Time
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Wall-Ball Shots 20/14
Conditioning: For Time
Mini Kelly
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
*Choose Kelly or Mini Kelly
*30 minute time cap
Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time
T. Rice Conditioning Test
*Complete (3) 300 yard Shuttle Runs, a new round begins every 6 minutes.
*6×50 yard shuttle runs as fast as possible. Score time for each run.
COnditioning: 10 Rounds for Time
Row 10×200
*Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
*200m row sprint
Metcon (Time)
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Rx Body Weight Deadlifts
Rx+ Use Axle Bar
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Stone Over Bar
90 Second AMRAP
* You choose load
Frame/Farmers carry
Work up to AHAP 50′ Frame or Farmers carry
Yoke carry
Work up to AHAP 50′ Yoke carry
3 rounds of each set, reps are noted
25m Band Resisted Walking Lunges (optional DB) Left
25m Band Resisted Walking Lunges Right
Handstand shoulder taps x 10
DB Close Grip Floor Press x 12-15
Single Arm Plank Row x 12-15
Right Leg – Split stance alternating hammer curl x 20
Left Leg – Split stance alternating shoulder press x 20
Farmers Carry right, 50m
Farmers Carry left, 50m
SIt up to ball throw x 12-15
Wall Ball step and throw x 10
Wall Ball plank hold x 30sec
Snatch + Overhead Squat (1RM)
Snatch Grip Push Press (5×3)
Increasing weight
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3RM)
Work up to a daily max