June 10, 2017
Skill: Muscle-ups 1x Max Effort
*15 min to practice muscle-up technique/proficiency. Take one attempt at the end for max reps.
Conditioning: AMRAP x 20:00
CrossFit Games Open 16.1
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge 95/65
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge
8 C2B Pull-Ups
*Jump over the bar after each burpee
*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep
Conditioning: AMRAP x 20:00
Teams of 2 Complete:
500m Row
50 Overhead Plate Lunges
50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
50 Plate Ground to Overhead
*Choose Load
*One partner works at a time!
400M Sled push and pull
(Heavy’ish but doable)
Conditioning: For Time
100 Dumbbell Bench Press
(choose challenging load)
*every drop, do 100′ farmers walk with dumbbells.
(post load in comments)
Zercher squat
Work up to a heavy 3×5 of Zercher squat
Conditioning: For Time
21 KB swings
6 Stone/bag OTS
18 KB swings
5 Stone/bag OTS
15 KB swings
4 Stone/bag OTS
12 KB swings
3 Stone/bag OTS
9 KB swings
2 Stone/bag OTS
6 KB swings
1 Stone/bag OTS
3 KB swings
(RX 70/53 KB)
post stone/sandbag weight in comments. OTS-over the shoulder.