August 26, 2016
Warm Up: 2 min on Assault Bike
3 rounds of:
15 hollow rocks
15 Arm Haulers
10 Sumo deadlift High Pulls with Band
Strength: Deadlift
1×8 @ 65%
2×6 @ 70%
3×4 @ 75%
WOD 1) For Time
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
Toes To Bar
*RX+ 115/85
WOD 2) For Calories
10 minutes Max Effort on Assault Bike
CrossFit 101
3 rounds:
200m fartlek run (jog there (50% effort) and run back (75% effort))
10 Spider-Man push-ups (each leg)
10 three-second pause at bottom wall balls (14/10).
WOD: For Time
Run 1 Mile
Rest 2 Minutes
Run 800m
Rest 2 Minutes
Run 400m
Rest 2 Minues
Run 200m
Incendia Barbell Club
1) Front Squat (5-5-5-5-5-5)
2 Sets @ 60%
2 Sets @ 65%
2 Sets @ 70%
2) Back Squat (3×3 Across)